gmake[2]: Entering directory `/u/evs/lclint/web/samples/db/strictchecks'
lclint +lh +strict +showsummary +repeatunrecog +showscan +stats employee eref empset ereftab erc dbase drive.c
LCLint 2.1a --- 18 Apr 96

< reading spec employee.lcl >
employee.lcl:49: Modifies list for employee_initMod uses global internal state,
                    not included in globals list.
  A global variable is used in the modifies clause, but it not listed in the
  globals list.  The variable will be added to the globals list. Use
  -warnmissingglobs to suppress message.
   employee.lcl:49: Specification of employee_initMod
< reading spec eref.lcl >
< reading spec empset.lcl >
empset.lcl:27: Modifies list for empset_insertUnique uses global internal
                  state, not included in globals list.
   empset.lcl:27: Specification of empset_insertUnique
empset.lcl:45: Modifies list for empset_disjointUnion uses global internal
                  state, not included in globals list.
   empset.lcl:45: Specification of empset_disjointUnion
empset.lcl:84: Modifies list for empset_initMod uses global internal state, not
                  included in globals list.
   empset.lcl:84: Specification of empset_initMod
< reading spec ereftab.lcl >
ereftab.lcl:28: Modifies list for ereftab_initMod uses global internal state,
                   not included in globals list.
   ereftab.lcl:28: Specification of ereftab_initMod
< reading spec erc.lcl >
erc.lcl:66: Modifies list for erc_initMod uses global internal state, not
               included in globals list.
   erc.lcl:66: Specification of erc_initMod
< reading spec dbase.lcl >
< preprocessing >
employee.h:3: Constant exported, but not specified: EMPLOYEE_H
  A constant is exported, but not specified. Use -exportconst to suppress
< more preprocessing . >
bool.h:3: Constant exported, but not specified: BOOL_H
< more preprocessing . >
bool.h:23: Function exported, but not specified: bool_initMod
  A function is exported, but not specified. Use -exportfcn to suppress
< more preprocessing . >
bool.h:27: Function exported, but not specified: bool_unparse
< more preprocessing . >
bool.h:30: Function exported, but not specified: bool_not
< more preprocessing . >
bool.h:33: Function exported, but not specified: bool_equal
< more preprocessing . >
bool.h:37: Function exported, but not specified: check
< more preprocessing . >
eref.h:3: Constant exported, but not specified: EREF_H
< more preprocessing . >
empset.h:3: Constant exported, but not specified: EMPSET_H
< more preprocessing . >
erc.h:3: Constant exported, but not specified: ERC_H
< more preprocessing . >
ereftab.h:5: Constant exported, but not specified: EREFTAB_H
< more preprocessing . >
dbase.h:3: Constant exported, but not specified: DBASE_H
< more preprocessing . >
< checking employee.c >
bool.h:20,26: Modifies list for bool_initMod uses global internal state, not
                 included in globals list.
   bool.h:20,26: Declaration of bool_initMod
employee.c: (in function employee_setName)
employee.c:11,40: Body of if statement is not a block: return FALSE
  If body is a single statement, not a compound block. Use -ifblock to suppress
< checking eref.c >
eref.h:9,16: Constant exported, but not specified: ST_USED
eref.h:9,25: Constant exported, but not specified: ST_AVAIL
eref.h:9,36: Type exported, but not specified: erefStatus
  A type is exported, but not specified. Use -exporttype to suppress message.
eref.h:14,3: Type exported, but not specified: erefTable
eref.c: (in function eref_alloc)
eref.c:14,76: Body of for statement is empy
  For statement has no body. Use -forempty to suppress message.
eref.c:22,48: Parameter to sizeof is type employee: sizeof(employee)
  Operand of sizeof operator is a type. (Safer to use expression, int *x =
  sizeof (*x); instead of sizeof (int).) Use -sizeoftype to suppress message.
eref.c:32,46: Parameter to sizeof is type erefStatus: sizeof(erefStatus)
eref.c:43,9: Body of for statement is not a block:
                eref_Pool.status[i] = ST_AVAIL
  Loop body is a single statement, not a compound block. Use -forblock to
  suppress message.
eref.c: (in function eref_initMod)
eref.c:63,3: Called procedure bool_initMod may access internal state, but
                globals list does not include globals internalState
  A called function uses internal state, but the globals list for the function
  being checked does not include internalState Use -internalglobs to suppress
eref.c:63,3: Undocumented modification of internal state possible from call to
                bool_initMod: bool_initMod()
  An externally-visible object is modified by a function, but not listed in its
  modifies clause. Use -mods to suppress message.
eref.c:64,3: Called procedure employee_initMod may access internal state, but
                globals list does not include globals internalState
eref.c:64,3: Undocumented modification of internal state possible from call to
                employee_initMod: employee_initMod()
eref.c:66,66: Parameter to sizeof is type employee: sizeof(employee)
eref.c:74,71: Parameter to sizeof is type erefStatus: sizeof(erefStatus)
< checking empset.c >
erc.h:7,67: Type exported, but not specified: ercElem
erc.h:8,18: Type exported, but not specified: ercList
erc.h:9,55: Type exported, but not specified: ercInfo
empset.c: (in function empset_get)
empset.c:12,9: Body of if statement is not a block: return er
empset.c: (in function empset_member)
empset.c:20,27: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                   function empset_get: empset_get
  An unconstrained function is called in a function body where modifications
  are checked. Since the unconstrained function may modify anything, there may
  be undetected modifications in the checked function. Use -moduncon to
  suppress message.
empset.c: (in function empset_insert)
empset.c:30,23: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                   function empset_get: empset_get
empset.c:35,3: Called procedure empset_insertUnique may access internal state,
                  but globals list does not include globals internalState
empset.c:35,3: Undocumented modification of internal state possible from call
                  to empset_insertUnique: empset_insertUnique(s, e)
empset.c: (in function empset_delete)
empset.c:61,8: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                  function empset_get: empset_get
empset.c: (in function empset_union)
empset.c:115,2: Body of if statement is not a block: empset_insert(result, emp)
empset.c: (in function empset_intersect)
empset.c:128,2: Body of if statement is not a block:
                   empset_insert(toDelete, emp)
empset.c: (in function empset_subset)
empset.c:143,43: Body of if statement is not a block: return FALSE
< checking ereftab.c >
ereftab.c: (in function ereftab_lookup)
ereftab.c:35,43: Body of if statement is not a block: return er
< checking erc.c >
erc.c: (in function erc_create)
erc.c:21,37: Parameter to sizeof is type ercInfo: sizeof(ercInfo)
erc.c: (in function erc_member)
erc.c:60,44: Body of if statement is not a block: return TRUE
erc.c:60,9: Body of for statement is not a block:
               if (eref_equal(tmpc->val, er)) return TRUE
erc.c: (in function erc_insert)
erc.c:68,49: Parameter to sizeof is type ercElem: sizeof(ercElem)
erc.c: (in function erc_join)
erc.c:122,5: Body of for statement is not a block: erc_insert(c1, tmpc->val)
erc.c: (in function erc_sprint)
erc.c:131,13: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                 function int_toSize: int_toSize
< checking dbase.c >
dbase.c: (in function db_initMod)
dbase.c:38,3: Called procedure bool_initMod may access internal state, but
                 globals list does not include globals internalState
dbase.c:38,3: Undocumented modification of internal state possible from call to
                 bool_initMod: bool_initMod()
dbase.c:39,3: Called procedure employee_initMod may access internal state, but
                 globals list does not include globals internalState
dbase.c:39,3: Undocumented modification of internal state possible from call to
                 employee_initMod: employee_initMod()
dbase.c:41,3: Called procedure erc_initMod may access internal state, but
                 globals list does not include globals internalState
dbase.c:41,3: Undocumented modification of internal state possible from call to
                 erc_initMod: erc_initMod()
dbase.c:42,3: Called procedure empset_initMod may access internal state, but
                 globals list does not include globals internalState
dbase.c:42,3: Undocumented modification of internal state possible from call to
                 empset_initMod: empset_initMod()
dbase.c: (in function db_ercKeyGet)
dbase.c:56,45: Body of if statement is not a block: return (er)
dbase.c: (in function db_keyGet)
dbase.c:68,26: Undocumented use of file static db
  A checked global variable is used in the function, but not listed in its
  globals clause. By default, only globals specified in .lcl files are checked.
  To check all globals, use +allglobals. To check globals selectively use
  /*@checked@*/ in the global declaration. Use -globs to suppress message.
dbase.c:68,12: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                  function db_ercKeyGet: db_ercKeyGet
  An unconstrained function is called in a function body where modifications
  are checked. Since the unconstrained function may modify anything, there may
  be undetected modifications in the checked function. Use -modunconnomods to
  suppress message.
dbase.c: (in function db_hire)
dbase.c:102,12: Body of if statement is not a block: return DBS_GENDERERR
dbase.c:105,12: Body of if statement is not a block: return DBS_JOBERR
dbase.c:108,12: Body of if statement is not a block: return DBS_SALERR
dbase.c:110,23: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                   function db_keyGet: db_keyGet
dbase.c:111,12: Body of if statement is not a block: return DBS_DUPLERR
dbase.c: (in function db_uncheckedHire)
dbase.c:127,7: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_insert: erc_insert(db[(int)KND_MMGRS], er)
dbase.c:129,7: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_insert: erc_insert(db[(int)KND_MNON], er)
dbase.c:127,7: Body of if clause of if statement is not a block:
                  erc_insert(db[(int)KND_MMGRS], er)
dbase.c:129,7: Body of else clause of if statement is not a block:
                  erc_insert(db[(int)KND_MNON], er)
dbase.c:132,7: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_insert: erc_insert(db[(int)KND_FMGRS], er)
dbase.c:134,7: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_insert: erc_insert(db[(int)KND_FNON], er)
dbase.c:132,7: Body of if clause of if statement is not a block:
                  erc_insert(db[(int)KND_FMGRS], er)
dbase.c:134,7: Body of else clause of if statement is not a block:
                  erc_insert(db[(int)KND_FNON], er)
dbase.c:129,7: Body of if clause of if statement is not a block:
    if (e.j == MGR) erc_insert(db[(int)KND_MMGRS], er) else
    erc_insert(db[(int)KND_MNON], er)
dbase.c: (in function db_fire)
dbase.c:146,8: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_delete: erc_delete(db[(int)ek], er)
dbase.c: (in function db_promote)
dbase.c:163,8: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                  function db_ercKeyGet: db_ercKeyGet
dbase.c:167,12: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                   function db_ercKeyGet: db_ercKeyGet
dbase.c:169,9: Body of if statement is not a block: return FALSE
dbase.c:179,7: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_delete: erc_delete(db[(int)KND_MNON], er)
dbase.c:180,7: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_insert: erc_insert(db[(int)KND_MMGRS], er)
dbase.c:184,7: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_delete: erc_delete(db[(int)KND_FNON], er)
dbase.c:185,7: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_insert: erc_insert(db[(int)KND_FMGRS], er)
dbase.c: (in function db_setSalary)
dbase.c:201,8: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                  function db_keyGet: db_keyGet
< checking drive.c >
drive.c: (in function main)
drive.c:23,3: Called procedure bool_initMod may access internal state, but
                 globals list does not include globals internalState
drive.c:23,3: Undocumented modification of internal state possible from call to
                 bool_initMod: bool_initMod()
  An externally-visible object is modified by a function with no /*@modifies@*/
  comment. The /*@modifies ... @*/ control comment can be used to give a
  modifies list for an unspecified function. Use -modnomods to suppress
drive.c:24,3: Called procedure employee_initMod may access internal state, but
                 globals list does not include globals internalState
drive.c:24,3: Undocumented modification of internal state possible from call to
                 employee_initMod: employee_initMod()
drive.c:25,3: Called procedure empset_initMod may access internal state, but
                 globals list does not include globals internalState
drive.c:25,3: Undocumented modification of internal state possible from call to
                 empset_initMod: empset_initMod()
drive.c:50,7: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                 function check: check
drive.c:66,7: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                 function check: check
drive.c:84,7: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                 function check: check
drive.c:118,19: Body of if clause of if statement is not a block: e.gen = MALE
drive.c:118,38: Body of else clause of if statement is not a block:
                   e.gen = FEMALE
drive.c:119,19: Body of if clause of if statement is not a block: e.j = NONMGR
drive.c:119,38: Body of else clause of if statement is not a block: e.j = MGR
drive.c:121,7: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                  function check: check
drive.c:125,4: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                  function check: check
drive.c:138,3: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                  function check: check
drive.c:153,9: Called procedure empset_disjointUnion may access internal state,
                  but globals list does not include globals internalState
drive.c:153,9: Undocumented modification of internal state possible from call
                  to empset_disjointUnion: empset_disjointUnion(em2, em1)
drive.c:165,3: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained
                  function check: check
< checking macros bool.h >
bool.h: (in macro bool_initMod)
bool.h:23,1: Macro definition for bool_initMod is empty
  A macro definition has no body. Use -macroempty to suppress message.
< global checks >
eref.lh:9,13: Function exported but not used outside eref: eref_free
  A declaration is exported, but not used outside this module. Declaration can
  use static qualifier. Use -exportlocal to suppress message.
   eref.c:97,1: Definition of eref_free
empset.lh:9,13: Function exported but not used outside empset: empset_clear
   empset.c:26,1: Definition of empset_clear
empset.lh:11,13: Function exported but not used outside empset:
   empset.c:55,1: Definition of empset_insertUnique
empset.lh:17,13: Function exported but not used outside empset: empset_member
   empset.c:21,1: Definition of empset_member
empset.lh:18,13: Function exported but not used outside empset: empset_subset
   empset.c:147,1: Definition of empset_subset
ereftab.lh:10,13: Function exported but not used outside ereftab:
   ereftab.c:26,1: Definition of ereftab_delete
dbase.lh:27,13: Function exported but not used outside dbase: db_promote
   dbase.c:189,1: Definition of db_promote
dbase.lh:28,18: Function exported but not used outside dbase: db_setSalary
   dbase.c:213,1: Definition of db_setSalary
< cleaning .......... >

Error Type                Reported  Suppressed
===================       ========  =========
forempty                     1           0
forblock                     3           0
ifblock                     22           0
usedef                       0           1
exportfcn                    5           0
exporttype                   5           0
exportconst                  9           0
globs                        1           0
internalglobs               11           0
warnmissingglobs             7           6
macroempty                   1           0
compdef                      0           1
mods                        16           0
modnomods                    4           0
moduncon                     8           0
modunconnomods               8           0
sizeoftype                   6           0
exportlocal                  8           0
                          ========  =========
Total:                     115           8

Finished LCLint checking --- 115 code errors found
396 spec, 3040 source (1283 before pre-processing) lines in 5.62 s.
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/u/evs/lclint/web/samples/db/strictchecks'

Return LCLint Home Page David Evans
University of Virginia, Computer Science