gmake[2]: Entering directory `/u/evs/lclint/web/samples/db/strictchecks' lclint +lh +checks +moduncon +modunconnomods +showscan +stats employee eref empset ereftab erc dbase drive.c LCLint 2.1a --- 18 Apr 96 < reading spec employee.lcl > < reading spec eref.lcl > < reading spec empset.lcl > < reading spec ereftab.lcl > < reading spec erc.lcl > < reading spec dbase.lcl > < preprocessing > < checking employee.c > < checking eref.c > < checking empset.c > empset.c: (in function empset_member) empset.c:20,27: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function empset_get: empset_get An unconstrained function is called in a function body where modifications are checked. Since the unconstrained function may modify anything, there may be undetected modifications in the checked function. Use -moduncon to suppress message. empset.c: (in function empset_insert) empset.c:30,23: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function empset_get: empset_get empset.c: (in function empset_delete) empset.c:61,8: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function empset_get: empset_get < checking ereftab.c > < checking erc.c > erc.c: (in function erc_sprint) erc.c:131,13: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function int_toSize: int_toSize < checking dbase.c > dbase.c: (in function db_keyGet) dbase.c:68,12: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function db_ercKeyGet: db_ercKeyGet An unconstrained function is called in a function body where modifications are checked. Since the unconstrained function may modify anything, there may be undetected modifications in the checked function. Use -modunconnomods to suppress message. dbase.c: (in function db_hire) dbase.c:110,23: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function db_keyGet: db_keyGet dbase.c: (in function db_promote) dbase.c:163,8: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function db_ercKeyGet: db_ercKeyGet dbase.c:167,12: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function db_ercKeyGet: db_ercKeyGet dbase.c: (in function db_setSalary) dbase.c:201,8: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function db_keyGet: db_keyGet < checking drive.c > drive.c: (in function main) drive.c:50,7: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function check: check drive.c:66,7: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function check: check drive.c:84,7: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function check: check drive.c:121,7: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function check: check drive.c:125,4: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function check: check drive.c:138,3: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function check: check drive.c:165,3: Undetected modification possible from call to unconstrained function check: check < checking macros bool.h > < global checks > < cleaning .......... > Finished LCLint checking --- 16 code errors found 396 spec, 3040 source (1283 before pre-processing) lines in 5.18 s. gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/u/evs/lclint/web/samples/db/strictchecks'