dbase.c: (in function db_uncheckedHire)
dbase.c:140,4: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_insert: erc_insert(db[(int)KND_MMGRS], er)
  An externally-visible object is modified by a function, but not listed in its
  modifies clause.  Use -mods to suppress message.
dbase.c:144,4: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_insert: erc_insert(db[(int)KND_MNON], er)
dbase.c:151,4: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_insert: erc_insert(db[(int)KND_FMGRS], er)
dbase.c:155,4: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_insert: erc_insert(db[(int)KND_FNON], er)
dbase.c: (in function db_fire)
dbase.c:169,8: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_delete: erc_delete(db[(int)ek], er)
dbase.c: (in function db_promote)
dbase.c:206,7: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_delete: erc_delete(db[(int)KND_MNON], er)
dbase.c:207,7: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_insert: erc_insert(db[(int)KND_MMGRS], er)
dbase.c:211,7: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_delete: erc_delete(db[(int)KND_FNON], er)
dbase.c:212,7: Undocumented modification of db[] possible from call to
                  erc_insert: erc_insert(db[(int)KND_FMGRS], er)

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David Evans